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Journal Introduction:
Tribology Letters (ISSN 1023-8883 eISSN 1573-2711) is an international journal devoted to the development of the science of tribology and its applications, particularly focusing on publishing high-quality papers at the forefront of tribological science and that address the fundamentals of friction, lubrication, wear, or adhesion. The journal facilitates communication and exchange of seminal ideas among thousands of practitioners who are engaged worldwide in the pursuit of tribology-based science and technology.

Journal Introduction:
Coatings (ISSN 2079-6412) is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal devoted to the science and engineering of coatings, thin and thick films, surfaces and interfaces. We aim to help researchers present their cutting-edge findings and opinions in detail and have quick dissemination among their peers. Original articles, reviews, communications, conference reports and short notes are all welcome.

Coatings is covered by leading indexing services, including Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus, Inspec (IET) and other relevant databases. The Impact Factor (IF) for the year 2022 is 3.4 and the CiteScore of 2022 is 4.7. The Korean Tribology Society (KTS) is affiliated to and KTS members can enjoy a 30% discount on article processing charges as well as other benefits. Contact the KTS office or Coatings office (coatings@mdpi.com) for article processing discount details..
